How to make patriotic fruit skewers

Honor independence in the most delicious way

2 minute read

A woman in a blue denim shirt holds a tray of patriotic fruit skewers for the 4th of July

From decorations to party snacks, bringing in a festive 4th of July is all about stars and stripes this week! That’s why we’re sharing a fun, festive treat to enjoy on this spirited holiday that’ll keep you in the Independence Day mood. These fruity 4th of July skewers are the perfect patriotic project to get the family working together with a delicious result.


½ cup blueberries
3 large strawberries (or raspberries)
½ peeled banana
Lemon juice

Strawberries and blueberries in colored bowls


It’s perfectly simple!

1. First, cut the ends off the strawberries so all you have left is the red, edible part.

2. Peel a banana and chop half of it into thick slices.

A person cutting a banana on a wooden cutting board with strawberries and blueberries in bowls

3. Toss them in lemon juice so they don’t brown before your family and guests enjoy them.

Squirting lemon on bananas to keep them from browning

4. Run 2 to 3 strawberries (or raspberries) through your skewer to start off the red base.

5. Follow it up with your banana slices to add in the white.

Two strawberries and a banana on a skewer

6. With the remaining space you have on the skewer, stick on some blueberries to finish it off.

An alternative design, if you’re feeling extra patriotic, is to give it an American Flag pattern.

1. Slice your strawberries so they’re about as thick as your banana chunks.

2. When putting them onto the stick, alternate between strawberries and bananas until you’ve filled about ¾ of the skewer, so you’re left with red and white “stripes.”

3. Fill the remaining space with blueberries to include that vidal chunk of blue. Now you’ve got a flag on a stick!

A tray of patiriotic fruit skewers for the 4th of July

This simple, healthy snack will add some sparkle to your festivities and leave you and your party guests wanting more. No need to spend all day fussing over what patriotic treats you’ll need to assemble when the answer is probably already in your refrigerator. They’re super easy to put together and lots of fun! Impress the guests at your local garden party or backyard cook-out with your skewing skills. And savor those sweet red, white, and blue flavors that this fresh and festive treat has to offer.