Why Take Your Dog to Work Day is the best thing for your office

The coworkers you never knew you needed

6 minute read

A Golden Retriever joins in on a group discussion at work

At Wondercide, we value our dogs as much as we value our people. For us, every day is Take Your Dog to Work Day, so we’re excited for June 21, when it’s an official “Day” for the rest of the country! Take Your Dog to Work Day is a joyous occasion when coworkers can celebrate the special bond between humans and their pups while they get their work done.

A man works at his desk while holding a dog in his lap

Koda the pup helps reduce the stress of long work days at the office and gets some loving from her dad.

In the United States, a new wave of pet parents is grappling with 'puppy withdrawal' as they transition back to the traditional workplace after the pandemic, where remote work allowed for unlimited moments with our furry companions. About one in five families welcomed new pets into their homes during the pandemic, when we could spend all day in our home office with our pet pals curled up next to us. And on June 21, we get to relive that joy as we buckle in our new furry coworker for a pawsitive day in the office.

What makes this day so important?

Take Your Dog to Work Day is a gift that offers far more than a simple supply of cuteness. When allowing pets into the office, employers relieve the stress of having to leave our furry playmates behind when we go to work. In a recent survey, most people reported that they revolve their daily routines and careers around their pets, much like you would for your human children. So, having their pets in the office takes employees’ minds off of what they might be missing at home and allows them to be completely present while they work.

A woman holds two Frenchies French Bulldogs on her lap

Frenchies Cowboy and Cozette enjoy a mid day work meeting on their mom's lap. They often contribute their own ideas with a bark here and there.

And for our team members without dogs, they’ll have the opportunity to interact with furry boosts of serotonin throughout the day. Welcoming pets into the workplace creates a comfortable, relaxing environment and has been proven to boost morale and reduce stress levels. Having a dog companion has been known to lower blood pressure and subside anxiety, creating an overall more positive working environment. This furry fun-filled day could improve employee satisfaction and positively impact productivity.

A Golden Retriever gets a quick pet from a woman at the Wondercide office

Winnie the Golden Retriever spreads smiles wherever he goes at the office and enjoys pets throughout the day.

In addition, having your pup in the workplace provides you with an excellent excuse to get out and explore the great outdoors. A lot of pups will be itching for a walk by the time the afternoon rolls around, which could allow you to spend your break basking in nature, rather than the inside of a break room. Fresh air and singing birds might be all you need to give you that second wind and finish out the day.

A breezy walk around the block will help boost your vitamin D levels as well as improve your concentration. Going outside has proven to put people in better moods as well as the added health benefits from physical exercise. You’ll be an even more dedicated team member after you and your fur buddy get back from your walk!

How to prepare for a dog-filled office.

When preparing for this special day, we want to be on alert for anything that may harm our new furry coworkers. There are questions that we can ask to help ensure that our pets have a fun and safe day in our office.

First, what might be within a curious canine’s reach that they could get their paws on? There are certain plants and foods that are dangerous to pets that may be lurking around your workplace. For example, plants such as poinsettias, aloe, tulips, amaryllis, azaleas, and chives could cause digestive distress or more serious side effects for your pet. See a full list of toxic plants here. There may be foods in the breakroom as well, such as chocolate, nuts, peanut butter with xylitol, avocados, garlic, onions, coffee, and grapes that pose a threat to our furry friends. These items can be in the kitchen but should be kept on a higher surface and monitored by a pet parent.

A woman gives a French Bulldog a treat in the workplace cafeteria

Cowboy the Frenchie gets a pet-approved treat in between meetings at the Wondercide headquarters.

It’s a good idea to hold an office-wide meeting or send out a memo prior to Take Your Dog to Work Day to go over some important pet-friendly reminders of what pets can and can’t eat.

In addition, briefing everyone in the office on the specificity of your pup might help make interactions go smoothly and sweetly. Some dogs are shy and some are extraverted. Some workers may not love having a 65-pound canine jump onto their lap while they work, while others may want nothing more than to cuddle with your pup all day. Having a better understanding of everyone’s preferences – your coworkers’ and your pet’s – is an important step in making Take Your Dog To Work Day a success.

A woman wearing a Wondercide tshirt holds a small white dog with coworkers in the background

Mila enjoys being held by her mom during work meetings and lunchtime. It's great to be together during the day!

Having your pet in the office with you is a treat on its own, but it’s still a good idea to take other treats for your furry friend. Maybe take their favorite toy with you or a tasty snack to get them through the day. It also might be a smart idea to pack a water bowl, leash, crate (if necessary), and any other resources that are specific to your pup.

Wondercide’s pet family and furry coworkers.

Dogs are welcome at Wondercide and we even have a wall dedicated to the pups in our pack. Two dogs who love to go to work with their human are Harvey and Mila who oversee the orders and make sure each box is packed with love. They also love to do morning stretches with the team to limber up before the day's work begins.

Two dogs join two Wondercide coworkers in their morning stretches

Harvey and Mila oversee the Wondercide Operations department and check the team's form on morning stretches.

And we can’t forget about our hybrid and remote work dogs. Winnie loves to visit the office and see everyone at lunchtime before he takes a nap on the cool concrete floor.

A Golden Retriever walks toward the camera and then takes a nap on a cool concreate floor

Winnie works hard and naps hard at the Wondercide office. That cool concrete floor feels so good after running around.

When Winnie isn't power napping at work, he's busy joining Zoom calls, supporting on photo shoots, and starring in Wondercide's social media. 

A Golden Retriever sits on a cobalt blue sofa watching his mom tell him to stay

Winnie takes direction from his mom at a Wondercide photo shoot. He stayed just enough time for us to get the shot!

We hope you’re as excited as we are to see some wagging tails in the workplace! Take Your Dog to Work Day is the perfect opportunity for us to seamlessly blend our home life with our work life, inviting our favorite animal companions to experience our workday adventures with us.

When we open our doors to our beloved pets, not only are we allowing them to come along for the ride, but we boost our own productivity levels. It’s a win-win situation for everyone! So, let's embrace the spirit of Take Your Dog to Work Day with open arms and open hearts, as we create lasting memories to cherish and share between our furry family and our office family.