As seen on Shark Tank, Wondercide is plant-powered, proven protection from bugs like ticks, fleas, mosquitoes, ants, and roaches. We innovate solutions for pets, people, and the places they roam, at home or on the go.

†with U.S. and global components
Protect Your Pack®

The journey from saving one dog to protecting over 2 million families
Adopting Luna
Met my new best friend, my Akita-Husky mix fur baby. Her floppy ear and those wise eyes got me. I named her Luna because she was already my moon and stars. Our story began.
2008, spring
Luna is sick
It started with teeth chattering (mini seizures), hot spots, liver and kidney failure. Vets suggested I put her down but that was never an option.
2008, fall
My vet suspected Luna had pesticide poisoning from the conventional flea-and-tick control we were using. We weren’t alone. An overwhelming number of families were going through the same thing.
We put Luna on a more holistic path. She started getting better. I worked with a group to advocate for change so companies selling conventional pesticides have to report adverse reactions.
Wondercide est.
Nothing natural on the market was working and I felt compelled to find a way to protect Luna and families everywhere. So I did! I rolled up my sleeves, voraciously researched, and formulated a plant-powered solution that we proved worked. Vets approved it. Luna was by my side as we built and grew Wondercide.
Every spring, Luna and I would go to a field filled with bluebonnets and take pics. 2015 was our last time. Hours after we got home, Luna passed away in my arms. As I held her, a swarm of dragonflies surrounded us. Nature knows. Whenever I see them, I think of Luna.
Shark Tank
I got the call to appear on Shark Tank only hours after Luna passed away. I was grieving but I knew this would allow us to reach and help so many more families. We got an offer from three Sharks and accepted one on air. I passed on signing the final deal, trusting my gut and following my intuition instead.
A legacy of good.
Luna’s Legacy
Luna helped me find my purpose in life. Her legacy of love and protection lives on in all the ways we do good for pets, families, and the environment.
Our culture of inclusion and belonging
Fierce Love for families of every kind
Wondercide is committed to an inclusive, supportive culture. This ethos has been with us since the company was founded by a queer woman passionate about empowering families of all kinds to protect their pack. Our purpose is one of love, belonging, and hope.
A mom on a mission revolutionizes an industry
How one woman became a trailblazing entrepreneur swimming with the Sharks

Stephanie Boone, the founder of Wondercide, is one unstoppable mom. Her incredible love for her dog Luna and her fierce determination took her on a journey that would revolutionize the pest control industry and protect millions of families.